We can frequently become ensnared in a “close the deal” sales mindset as business practices evolve. The issue with that method is that it does not always result in loyalty. Winning a client is one thing; however, maintaining a customer frequently necessitates providing a premium brand experience, which necessitates a distinct culture.
Committing to being a loyalty company rather than a transaction company is one of the initial measures that a leader should take to enhance the consumer experience. It is worthwhile to attain the outcomes. Customers will remain loyal to you for an extended period of time if you are proficient in cultivating meaningful relationships with them. If you excel in this endeavor, they will remain your companions for life.
Take into account the four critical stages that I refer to as the “four keys to CX success.”
No. 1: Encourage consumers to remain satisfied
In a competitive environment, it is understandable that a company’s concern is with commercial success. However, the consumer experience does not have to be sacrificed in order to achieve this. In reality, they are the two contrasting faces of the same coin. A satisfied customer is a loyal consumer, and this will result in increased sales.CX can directly contribute to the bottom line by establishing a gratifying relationship with the consumer.
It is not effortless. Customers have expectations regarding the consistency and quality of their interactions with a brand. You must possess the capacity to surpass these expectations as they increase over time.
That is why it is crucial to understand the expectations of your consumer regarding your brand. Please be advised that consumers may only engage with you on a limited number of occasions throughout the duration of your relationship. This implies that it is imperative to guarantee that the experience is superior on each occasion.
No. 2. Customize the message
A stranger is not your customer. You likely possess data points regarding their purchase history and other information regarding their preferences, dislikes, and preferred methods and locations for conducting business with you.
This data can be utilized to personalize the customer experience in a manner that is still privacy-conscious, and the customer will remember and appreciate the effort. Companies are expected to anticipate the desires and requirements of contemporary consumers to a certain extent. In fact, a loyalty survey conducted by PwC indicates that four out of five individuals would be willing to share their personal data in order to enhance their experience.
I have personally experienced this at Verizon, where we have responsibly employed artificial intelligence tools to assist in the management and organization of customer data. Gen AI enables us to access pertinent information, such as the mobile devices a customer possesses and the enhancements they are eligible for, and provide it to a service agent at the point of contact. AI not only personalizes the experience by alleviating a significant portion of the cognitive burden from our employees, but it also frees the agent to focus on their strengths: establishing a relationship with the customer, providing a necessary human touch, and interacting with the customer.
AI also assists us in predicting the reasons why consumers may be contacting us. Armed with this knowledge, we are prepared to provide the consumer with a feature they may be interested in or content that is pertinent to them prior to the commencement of the interaction. Additionally, we have the option of eliminating generalized correspondence and marketing materials in favor of messages and images that are customized to the individual, which we refer to as a “segment of me.”
No. 3. Do not merely formulate strategies; execute them.
Paralysis by analysis is not an effective approach, particularly when the objective is to enhance the consumer experience. If you are developing new capabilities, services, or applications, it is imperative to resist the temptation to conduct an infinite number of pilots and never deploy anything into production. Certainly, conduct your due diligence; however, do so within the framework of a belief system that identifies a number of objectives that you are striving to achieve that will have a beneficial effect on your consumers.
Perform some testing and collect and analyze the data with the objective of improving efficacy and the functionality. Subsequently, commence construction, with the objective of swiftly expanding to ensure that consumers receive the greatest possible benefit.
No. 4. Establish customer experience (CX) as a leadership priority.
The company’s consumer experience is frequently the responsibility of a group of individuals who act as monitoring posts. Occasionally, it is the “CX department.” At other times, it is simply a collection of employees who have vague responsibilities regarding customer experience. Their duties consist of occasionally providing recommendations. That method is not particularly effective. If you truly intend to revolutionize the consumer experience, you require more than a department or a group of individuals who communicate with upper management. That is insufficient.
A co-ownership model is necessary, in which all departments agree that the consumer experience is the primary concern of the brand. This can only occur if the company’s leadership prioritizes customer experience (CX), shares insights, and adheres to a common set of metrics and beliefs.
It is important to bear in mind that acquiring the consumer is merely the initial phase. The primary objective is to maintain consumer loyalty. By providing a superior customer experience, one can establish a competitive advantage that will endure and encourage customers to return for more.